deemoe's blog

Tags · Windows






Folder Content Copy Script with Filter Option

This script is designed to copy the contents of a folder, including sub-folders, to a new destination path. The user is prompted to enter the source path, the destination path, and a filter word to exclude certain files based on their names. @echo off echo This script copy everything inside a folder to a new path, containing sub-folders. echo. set /p tar..

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Localhost Issue in WSL2

I was attempting to build a remote debugger for an embedded device when I had no access to a physical device. As a solution, I decided to try using Docker (with the WSL2 backend). In the project’s design, the 9090 UDP port was supposed to be used for communication between the host and the slave. However, it appeared that using ‘localhost’ or ‘’ di..

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Fix Un-allowed DMA capable bus/device(s) detected

Windows 8 and later have a function named “Device Encryption”. It allows Windows to automatically enable BitLocker for local disks and unlock them at startup. However, if you are using a DIY rig or have changed/added some hardware to your OEM machine, this feature might be broken. Therefore, we need to add those devices to the whitelist to re-enable the fe..

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